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March 1st: Shaganappi Winter Trail Conditions Update


SNOw!!! Finally...better late than never....? Snowshoers, we need you on the shared snowshoe and fat bike trails! Make sure your snowshoes have spikes, though, it's icy and dicy beneath the snow, and be careful in the parking lots!

Of course another Chinook is around the corner, as is the golf season, sadly.

XC ski trails 

Some XC ski trails were partially roller packed one pass Friday afternoon, from Junction 1-9-7-6-5 then to Westgate Corner (SW Corner)...along Bow Trail, then to 10 and back up to 9.  (Thanks, volunteer Barry!)

Variable and marginal conditions below this new snow exist that include bare asphalt/rocks/grass to horrid bumpy ice.  Some skiing will be okay such as along Alasdair's Alley (Junction 1-9-7) other grassy trails, and possibly along Bow Trail.  Condo Alley is not recommended (Junction 7-6) due to rocks below the snow. The driving range was a swamp in the heat which then froze into a horrid bumpy mess below the snow. 

If we receive more snow this weekend, volunteers may be able to go out to do more roller packing of the ski trails first, then if there is volunteer capacity and enough snow depth, track setting may be attempted.

Shared Snowshoe/Fat Bike trails...Sowshoers, we need you!

Due to the ice, the shared Snowshoe and Fat Bike trails could not be snowmobile packed Friday, despite the determined try by volunteer Steve!  The trails were too icy for the snowmobile to track/steer.  Snowshoers are needed right now to pack this new snow down then once it hardens and hopefully bonds with the underlying ice layer, a snowmobile can get out for another attempt. Fat biking is not recommended because of the icy conditions beneath the new snow, studded tires don't help on new snow that is on top of ice.

Volunteer with SNO as Part of the Fat Bike Trail Maintenance Team

Help the community and have fun volunteering with SNO by:

  • Snowshoe or shovel areas with loose snow

  • Remove or flag hazardous branches

  • Replace route flags when necessary

  • Become a Volunteer Now

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