Leave your dog at home, as per the City of Calgary Bylaw.
Shaganappi is home to various species of urban wildlife including many coyotes, porcupines, skunks, snowshoe hares, weasels, partridges, and deer.
Do not go under roped areas so we avoid damaging sensitive golf course grass.
Snowshoers and fat bikers should stay on multi-use trails marked by green and blue pin flags. Cross-country skiing is not recommended on multi-use trails. Maps are available on-line and at Shaganappi.
Winter trails are for skate and classic cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and fat biking (not winter walking).
We are doing a pilot for dedicated winter walking trails. Winter walkers should only use the dedicated winter walking trails and no other trails. Walking trails are marked by yellow pin-flagging.
Be kind to everyone. Get out there and have fun!

1. Set yourself up for success by taking lessons
2. Check the weather forecast and grooming report
3. It is wise to bring a backpack or fanny pack with extra supplies (e.g., extra layers of clothing).
4. Carry a fully charged cell phone and call 911 in case of emergency. Ask for both an ambulance and fire response if an injured skier needs to be transported from their location to the waiting ambulance in the Shaganappi parking lot or on a road near one of the winter entrances. (Paramedics don't retrieve injured skiers from ski trails, fire fighters are needed for this)
5. Although the winter is often dark, the bright, white snow and a good quality headlamp will light up the ski trails and allow you to ski whenever you have time. Bring a backup light source in your pocket as well.
6. Plan your route. For beginner cross-country skiers, it is best to start on completely flat ground at the driving range. For fat bikers, we recommend the green loop in the western side of the golf course.
Cross-country ski lessons and/or coaching programs in and around Calgary can be arranged through the following organizations. *Disclaimer: It is recommended you confirm you are taking lessons from certified CANSI instructors when learning to ski.*
Lessons in Calgary :
Lesson and coaching providers in Calgary:
Lessons outside of Calgary:
Coaching providers:
Outside Calgary:
Learn more about cross-country ski safety and risk: