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January 1, 2024: Shaganappi Update: Poor Conditions

Writer's picture: shaganappi-nordicshaganappi-nordic

This isn't the best way to ring in the new year but the prolonged warm weather this December and minimal snowfall has resulted in very poor ski conditions at Shaganappi. Cross-country skiing is currently not recommended due to a very thin base, icy conditions, and snow frequently being absent in key areas that cannot be avoided, particularly on cart paths and under trees.

Fat bike trails are in poor condition due to the 60 to 70% snow cover and frequent grassy spots. The thin snowmobile tracked routes seem to be holding up well and no sinking is occurring on low pressure (<6 PSI) fat bike tires. There is some but not a lot of ice so studded tires would be helpful.

No turf damage is currently occurring but fat bike traffic has been minimal and the frost seems to generally still be in the ground. If you notice any turf damage, please turn around and send us a message so we can reroute trails as needed. As a friendly reminder, please don't bring your skinny tired bikes to Shaganappi, particularly this week. If you're interested in fat biking this week in town, Fish Creek or Paskapoo Slopes will be better options.

The week of January 8th looks like it will bring colder weather and maybe even some snow so let's all cross our fingers that the long-term forecast is accurate!

Date and Time:

  • Cross-country ski trail grooming: December 23rd and 24th

  • Cross-country ski trail tracksetting: N/A, thin base

  • Fat bike and snowshoe trail grooming: N/A

Groomer's Ratings (Underlined Apply):

  • Classic Cross-Country Skiing: Not Recommended | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

  • Skate Skiing: Not Recommended | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

  • Fat Biking: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

  • Snowshoeing: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

Trail Condition Descriptors (Underlined Apply):

  • Ski Trail Snow Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%

  • Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%

  • Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Rutting/Soft Snow: 0% | 10% | 25% | >50%

  • Low Snow Areas: N NW NE E SE S SW W

  • Snow Type: New Snow | Hard Packed | Snow Over Grooming | Packed Powder | Powder | Drifting | Wind Crust | Spring Conditions | Glazed | Wet | Corn Snow | Slush | Icy

For additional photographs of conditions, go to the SNO Instagram.

Memberships: Thank you to the 62 people that became paid members in the 2022-2023 season! We are that much closer to reaching our goal of 200 paid members, which will allow SNO to be financially self-sustaining. Thank you for your support and consider becoming a member if you haven't had a chance yet!

Groomer's Ratings Classification: Groomer's ratings are based on "typical" conditions at Shaganappi. Excellent = Best conditions of the season, perfect coverage, awesome traction and grip, Good = Above-average snow pack, traction, etc., Average = Typical conditions, Poor = Thin snow cover and frequent low snow areas for skiing, difficult traction

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