Skiing is currently not recommended at Shaganappi and parking lot access from 26th Street is blocked, however the Shaganappi winter pedestrian entrances are open for public access. The photo demonstrates the trail surface below the snow in some areas at Shaganappi.
Ski conditions:
Skiing is not recommended.
Skiers be aware that because there is no packed base of snow, permanent damage to your skis is almost certain, and skiing is not recommended.
Grooming decision
Due to the combination of no snow on the ground at Shaganappi until this recent storm cycle, and the consistent January and February Chinook cycles having warmed and thawed the ground in many places, we don't think that it's currently possible to groom without risking damage to our machinery, equipment, and the golf course turf.
Weather forecast & Grooming outlook
We plan to monitor the forecasted storm cycle to see if Shaganappi receives enough snow to revisit the possibility of grooming at least some trails at Shaganappi, and will update both Nordic Pulse and this blog.
Alternate winter pedestrian entrances to Shaganappi are marked on the map, there is street parking near both.
8th Avenue entrance
Quarry Road Trail entrance
26th Street Access is closed and not recommended, as there is no parking along Sovereign Crescent
The gate along Sovereign Crescent may be open for construction access to the main Shaganappi parking lot, however vehicular access is not recommended.
There is a risk of significant damage to vehicles upon entrance / exit to Shaganappi from Sovereign Crescent if vehicles have low vertical clearance, and vehicle access is not recommended.
The gate may be closed and locked at anytime by the construction contractor when their workers are leaving for the day and/or not on site.