The surprise dusting of snow from the two recent-ish storm systems was somewhat enough to groom and track set the ski trails, and snowmobile track pack the shared fat bike/snowshoe trail systems (FBSS). **Every snowfall, we need volunteers to machine and snowshoe pack the FBSS trails, and machine groom (and possibly track set) the ski trail system.... we also need volunteers to snow farm using scoop shovels, and weave together and install snow catchment fencing for the ski and shared snowshoe/fat bike trails.
Ski trails:
Conditions: With the recent Chinooks sublimating a significant amount of snow away, we are back to early season conditions with sharks lurking above and below the snow surface - expect rocks on and at the end of Condo Alley unless you're on the grass near the fence; rocks are between the clubhouse bumps and the lower trails as that is a road/parking lot, stay off it with your skis!!! Most other trails are either grassy areas, or asphalt/rock cart paths, so beware until you have skiied the trails enough to remember where the hazards are.
Track setting: A volunteer was able to use the Shaganappi specially adapted shallow tracksetter last night and this morning so all ski trails are now track set!!!
Grooming: ....all trails were roller packed two nights ago over 2-3 hours by one SNO volunteer, then yesterday and this morning another volunteer spent 6-8 hours grooming and track setting using the manual (groan!) track setter. Skate ski superhighways are in!
FBSS trail systems:
(Fat bike and snowshoe shared pin flagged trail systems)
**No walkers or skiers on these trails, pleeease!**
Conditions: With the recent snowfall, trails likely will remain soft until there is more traffic and cold weather to firm things up for fat biking.
Pink flagged (novice) FBSS trail system: was snowmobile track packed yesterday evening, then a few people rode them last night with headlamps, washing out and sinking in the soft snow a bit. Not sure if the snow hardened overnight.... we need another round of snowmobile track packing, or a bunch of snowshoers out on the trails to help that snow pack down and harden up for fat bikers.
Brown pin flagged (intermediate) FBSS trail system:
All the trail system was snowmobile packed last night with the exception of the bit at the start around the driving range fencing - that section was snowshoe packed by approximately 10 volunteers, 9 of which were new volunteers from Prospect's day program for adults with special needs, thanks!!!
More volunteers are needed for various tasks, most especially to help whenever there is a weather event like new snow and/or wind event putting debris on the trail systems.
Grooming and track setting costs money - approx. $5K - $7K a winter thus far, without major purchases....(and we need to make those!!!) consider donating and / or becoming a member of SNO to support this 100% volunteer driven community-focused free winter recreation area in the heart of Calgary!
Sunrise at the east end of Alasdair's Alley while finishing the grooming and track setting this morning....

Urban wildlife three nights ago after roller packing was done.....
