Do you have 2-3 hours to support free Nordic skiing in Calgary at Shaganappi???
The cold snap is coming to an end, finally!
Help preserve snow before the Chinook sublimates it away by moving snow onto the ski trails using a scoop shovel.
Other tasks on our To Do list this weekend and this week are:
Rope fencing along tee boxes - finish that project off (online maintenance map assists in this process)
Installation of orange plastic snow catchment fencing along wind-prone areas
If you have any interest and capacity to help out, please sign up as a volunteer here, then sign up online for tasks here! (instructions are on the SignUp)
ASK: If you have the capacity and interest, we need more scoop shovels at Shaganappi! Please consider donating one. Best place to purchase them is here. (buy Canadian) Thanks! Scoop shovels can be left on site at the north end of the brown wood sheds once you're done with them. (SE corner of the parking lot)