Even with blustery weather nineteen volunteers were out Saturday afternoon with one group pin flagging the !! NEW !! snowshoe and winter fat bike trail system while others successfully finished installing the 6' steel snow stakes in the ground around tee boxes and safety hazards before the ground froze on us!
A special thank you to everyone who came out for the first time to support free access to recreation in the heart of Calgary, there were thirteen new volunteers out of the nineteen who were on site yesterday! Extra-special shout out to Kean our youngest volunteer to date, who came out and along with his assistant, he helped install pin flags on the northern section of the fat bike/snowshoe trail system. Harrah for kids coming out to help!!!
Shaganappi will remain closed to the public as the summer golf course staff are still working hard to 'put the golf course to bed' for the winter - not all the 27 tarped greens are roped off yet, as an example of some of the work that needs to be done.
On the winter preparation side of things at Shaganappi, we now need to finish installing the bamboo stakes around hazards and tee boxes and finish roping off the tee boxes and hazards. This can be done on snowshoes, so feel free to sign up and let us know you would love to do this, it's a great way to get out at Shaganappi before it is open to the public!
Once the decision is made to open Shaganappi to the public for the winter, this blog will be the best way to find out, so sign up for email notifications if you haven't already.
Until then....consider volunteering, go to the Volunteer tab on our webpage to learn more and sign up....
....let's hope for more snow and also that the winds abate so Shaganappi ski trails won't remain bare grass, rock and asphalt in so many areas from this constant wind scouring. Skiing is definitely not recommended right now!