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December 14 update: Chinook Glaze is here; trails are icy & treacherous, Shaganappi not recommended

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Alas, the temperatures shot up into the double digits yesterday sublimating a lot of snow and now the temperature drop has created the Chinook Glaze.

We are opting for snow retention versus fighting Mother Nature, mostly because we don't have volunteer capacity for snow management/snow relocation using scoop shovels and other means. As a result, grooming is paused due to the snow loss from the warm temperatures, snow Chinook Glaze, and overall thin snowcover at Shaganappi.

SNO is seeking a volunteer SNO Management Lead, and until then our capacity to manage and coordinate snow harvesting and relocation using scoop shovels is severely restricted....(think of all the work done at Confed). In truth, volunteer capacity is non existent, really, to look at and then coordiate snow relocation efforts. SNO is both a small and young organization that just turned four, and we don't have volunteer Leads in a few key roles. (Think Grant writing, Signage, and Snow Management, to name a few.)

A SNO volunteer was at Shaganappi this morning, and reported back that all trails and surfaces are icy and not recommended. It is currently snowing lightly, fingers crossed Shaganappi receives a LOT of snow with very litttle wind, then maaaybe it will be appropriate and we will have capacity to consider another round of snowmobile track packing and roller packing the ski trail system. We will post an update if we do.

Until then, if you haven't already, please consider financially supporting SNO by becoming a Friend of SNO and/or a Donor.... SNO has yearly operating costs and also a long wish list for improved and updated equipment and machinery, (and storage buildings, maybe lights in the driving range after that!).

Snow and cold weather dance time!!!

Pictures of volunteers setting up driving range snow catchment fencing in recent weeks....

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