Most if not all xc ski and shared snowshoe/fat bike trails were track set and groomed Friday afternoon thanks to volunteers Barry and Pete T in preparation for our free Chinook Blast events this weekend!!
XC Ski Trails:
Expect shallow track setting and variable ski conditions from good to marginal due to significant Chinook snow losses this winter. (grooming status of the expert loop north of the driving range is unconfirmed) Some areas of ski trail still have sharks just beneath the surface, skiing with caution is recommended, especially on downhills. (sharks = rocks, twigs, roots, asphalt, etc. that can stop skis suddenly and potentially cause injury and/or damage ski base
Shared snowshoe & fat bike trail systems:
Green pin flagged trails: Trail system was snowmobile Bachler packed Friday afternoon! With the forecasted cold temperatures Friday night, the trails will hopefully harden up for fat bikers and our Chinook Blast events this weekend....snowshoers, there's lots of room on either side of the packed trail to snowshoe in soft snow, or stick to the packed snow, whatever is the preference!
Blue pin flagged trails: Upper arms and loop were snowmobile and Bachler packed. Lower blue trail system over the edge of the escarpment above Bow River grooming status is unconfirmed at the moment, but the leg from the sheds beginning at the SE corner of the parking lot that runs along the south side of the driving range fencing has been Bachler packed.
Trail Condition Descriptors (Underlined and Bolded Apply):
Ski Trail Snow Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Rutting/Soft Snow: 5% | 10% | 25% | >50%
Low Snow Areas: N NW NE E SE S SW W
Snow Type: New Snow | Hard Packed | Snow Over Grooming | Packed Powder | Powder | Drifting | Wind Crust | Spring Conditions | Glazed | Wet | Corn Snow | Slush
Shaganappi is back on Nordic Pulse! (We have a couple kinks to iron out, but we're up!)