Hello Shaganappi Nordic volunteers, skiers and snowshoers!
While the ski season is FAST approaching, we're not quite there yet. We get closer every week, though - next month is the Calgary Ski Sale at the Max Bell Arena supporting different non profit organizations including the Calgary Ski Club. We're looking for volunteers to support the CSC during the sale, from October 19-23 at the Max Bell Arena!
Key points for the role and signing up below:
Volunteers needed for October 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23
As a volunteer, you can self-schedule through the online calendar for the date/time/volunteer role. Please note, you do not need to be available all five (5) days to volunteer, you can volunteer on a shift-by-shift basis: volunteers are currently needed for the following dates/times:
Wednesday October 19, evening
Thursday, October 20, afternoon and/or evening,
Friday, October 21, evening,
Saturday & Sunday, October 22 and 23, all day and evenings, varied shifts.
Shift durations during the sale are all 4.5 to 5 hours depending on the task.
Volunteer position descriptions are here.
Sign up for a volunteer shift here, it is possible to look/sort by calendar date.
When you register, please include that you were referred by a "Friend" of the Calgary Ski Club, Linda M, as this will allow us to track SNO volunteers who take part in the event!