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Find the Location of Your Task

The Shaganappi Maintenance Map allows SNO to track on-the-ground ski trail maintenance with a map-based tool. By clicking the dots, you can read instructions and complete a survey to confirm that you have completed the necessary maintenance (fixing fencing, snow shovelling, signage, etc.). If you need materials, confirm with us the locations of on-site materials, as well as access.

WINTER 2024/2025:

November 17, 2024 update

Maintenance map has been updated.

  • Extra supplies if not in the Magic Purple Box are often 'hidden' in the red trailer north of shed 4. (two sides are open/accessible)

  • Preferred roping protocols; clove hitch to attach rope to snow stakes (sag is easily adjusted) , double fishermans' knot to attach two ropes together.


Magic Purple Box (NE-ish of clubhouse) has a combination lock - text or email Linda/Laurel for the combination or look on the Vounteer Portal.

Scoop shovels/banners/flagging tape in MPB.

Maintenance map online portal legend

  • Red dots are work that needs to be done 

  • Blue dots are work that has been completed 

  • Yellow dots are maybes for next winter, so ignore them for now

If this doesn't work on your phone, try enlarging the map by clicking the icon with the four box corners in the top left of the screen.  Hopefully that does it.

Click on a red dot to see the details of work needed, location, etc.

In the detail popup is a link to 'Edit Record'. If you click on this it opens up a new tab that displays the details of the work and you can edit it. After making edits it can take up to 30 seconds for the edits to appear on the map.

Create a new record for maintenance work by clicking here.

  1. Specify a location for the work
    on the home computer. 

    • Click on the button in the upper right of the satellite map (when you hover over, it is called the "Map Gallery". . Then pick 'Shaganappi Base Map'. This will display a better image and the ski trails.

    • **A sign-in box may pop up.  "X" out of it, and do the same for the second pop-up sign-in box**

    • Click and hold then move your mouse to move the map.

    • Use the scroll wheel on your mouse or the plus / minus buttons on the left to zoom the map in or out

    • Do a single click to specify the location of the work and drop a pin

    • Single click again to move location.

  2. On Phone:  Click on  the icon in the top left corner that has 4 corners, to make the map bigger on your phone. 

    • Touch the button in the upper right of the map. Then pick 'Shaganappi Base Map'. This will display a better image and the ski trails.

    • **A sign-in box likely will pop up.  "X" out of it, and do the same for the second pop-up sign-in box**

    • Touch  will place the location on your phone current location. 

    • Touch and drag to move the map.

    • Two finger expand and contract or the plus / minus buttons on the left to zoom the map in or out

    • To manually specify a location place the cross hairs on the location and then hit the blue button in the bottom right corner of the map.

    • To exit the map click on the < in the green bar at the top of the map

  3. Click on what work needs to be done and if it is completed. 

  4. If there is other work that is not in the table then click on Yes under 'Other work needed'. This will open a text box where you can type in what the work is.

  5. You can also add any notes.

  6. Click on the submit button

Kate Skidoo track packing and downtown 2

© 2020 Shaganappi Nordic Operations Club (SNO)

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